That's right, brethren... tonight we welcome a new member to the fold. Say "Howdy" to Mike Suczinski, or as we call him around here, Mr. S. Admit it, it's easier to say, let alone spell...
Mike is one of our Poker regulars and one hell of a wood worker. He's the guy who built the beer trap featured on our "Trapped Like A Trap In A Trap" CD and for that major accomplishment, he earned the title of Yeoman. Okay, so it's a medieval title, but if you've ever seen Mike's shop, you'd know that medieval titles kinda fit him... very well. Mike is also the genius behind our monthly Gnome Shoots, some of which are available on YouTube. He is also responsible for the only two gnomes to survive more than an hour at my house: my Raider gnome (what a loser... sob...) and my Crazy Bill gnome, he of the upraised middle finger, manic glare and combat shotgun. Think of it as kind of a "Statue of Dorian Donohue," only without that cessation of aging thing, dammit!
Welcome to the asylum, Mike!
Friday, December 18, 2009
There's good news tonight! Ray came through the operation in great shape! The doc said he was able to get all the cancer out without affecting any major nerves or body functions. The surgical team did move some of Ray's pectoral muscle to his neck, but at last report, we won't be calling Ray "Nipple Neck" any time soon...
Thanks to all of you who prayed for Ray and helped make this operation a success!
And now I believe it's time for a celebratory drink! Uh... like it isn't time for that most any time around here...
Thanks to all of you who prayed for Ray and helped make this operation a success!
And now I believe it's time for a celebratory drink! Uh... like it isn't time for that most any time around here...
Thursday, December 17, 2009
A Very Important Day
Today is a very important day... in more ways than one, even though they all have one central point: my friend, Ray.
Those of you who know me (and considering that there's only 3 or 4 readers of this damn thing limits that number to 1 or 2) know how important my music is to my life. Hell, if it wasn't for my band and the guys in it, I'd be somewhere up in the hills of Idaho right now, talking to myself (okay, I do that now... ), drinking copious amounts of Bushmill's (okay, I do that now, but I'm working on it... really... ), and doing one hell of a lot of long distance shooting with my arsenal (okay, note to self: must do this more... sans whiskey and self-discussion.). Yeah, the band is that important... and yet, that's just a minor point of why Ray is so important.
I've been playing in bands with Ray for damn near 15 years now. To put it bluntly, he's the best damn drummer I ever played with: fluid, on time, creative... the list goes on and on. But that's not the main point...
The point is (now THERE's an original segue... ) that Ray's also been one of the best, if not THE best, friend I've ever had. I could go on and on about all the great times (and really shitty times) we've had, but then you'd get bored, I'd get maudlin, then I'd get Bushmill's and then I'd miss work tomorrow... not a good thing. Let's just say that Ray is THE MAN. Oh, I could tell you about the time a good friend in the military sent me 2 liters of good German beer and what happened after, or the time Ray took a header in the parking lot of a club we'd just played at, and what happened after, or the time Ray started calling himself "The Flagler" and why... and what happened after, but I digress...
The main reason today is a very important day is that my best bud Ray is going under the knife today for cancer. Yeah, Ray beat lymphoma (which took Joey Ramone and others from us), but some damn melanoma got under his skin and gave him a tumor (which we nicknamed "Lumpy"), which is being excised today. The operation ain't gonna be an easy one, and there's a chance Ray could get really fucked over by it (loss of arm movement, loss of facial gestures, etc... ), but what really matters is that Ray survives. I can't even begin to imagine my life without Ray Gilligan in it. I could hang with Ray not being able to play, but I can't hang without hearing Ray say "Hey Homocidal, what's going on?"
So here's what I'd like all four or five of you to do: pray for Ray. Pray that he comes through this well. Pray that my best friend gets to keep on living (and hopefully playing).
Cuz that's what I'm doing...
Those of you who know me (and considering that there's only 3 or 4 readers of this damn thing limits that number to 1 or 2) know how important my music is to my life. Hell, if it wasn't for my band and the guys in it, I'd be somewhere up in the hills of Idaho right now, talking to myself (okay, I do that now... ), drinking copious amounts of Bushmill's (okay, I do that now, but I'm working on it... really... ), and doing one hell of a lot of long distance shooting with my arsenal (okay, note to self: must do this more... sans whiskey and self-discussion.). Yeah, the band is that important... and yet, that's just a minor point of why Ray is so important.
I've been playing in bands with Ray for damn near 15 years now. To put it bluntly, he's the best damn drummer I ever played with: fluid, on time, creative... the list goes on and on. But that's not the main point...
The point is (now THERE's an original segue... ) that Ray's also been one of the best, if not THE best, friend I've ever had. I could go on and on about all the great times (and really shitty times) we've had, but then you'd get bored, I'd get maudlin, then I'd get Bushmill's and then I'd miss work tomorrow... not a good thing. Let's just say that Ray is THE MAN. Oh, I could tell you about the time a good friend in the military sent me 2 liters of good German beer and what happened after, or the time Ray took a header in the parking lot of a club we'd just played at, and what happened after, or the time Ray started calling himself "The Flagler" and why... and what happened after, but I digress...
The main reason today is a very important day is that my best bud Ray is going under the knife today for cancer. Yeah, Ray beat lymphoma (which took Joey Ramone and others from us), but some damn melanoma got under his skin and gave him a tumor (which we nicknamed "Lumpy"), which is being excised today. The operation ain't gonna be an easy one, and there's a chance Ray could get really fucked over by it (loss of arm movement, loss of facial gestures, etc... ), but what really matters is that Ray survives. I can't even begin to imagine my life without Ray Gilligan in it. I could hang with Ray not being able to play, but I can't hang without hearing Ray say "Hey Homocidal, what's going on?"
So here's what I'd like all four or five of you to do: pray for Ray. Pray that he comes through this well. Pray that my best friend gets to keep on living (and hopefully playing).
Cuz that's what I'm doing...
Friday, November 6, 2009
False flag op or Psycho drugs gone wrong?
My condolences to everyone affected by the Fort Hood shootings. It does raise the question, though: was this a false flag op planned by Obongo, or was this just some sick fuck who's been on psychotropic drugs all his life? There are those who will say he did it because he's a Muslim, but that's wearing kinda thin nowadays. Yeah, some of those guys go ballistic the minute you refuse to believe that they have the one true god, but that doesn't ring true here.
If he was on the juice, then that fits right in with all the assholes that shot up their schools, which is a huge indictment on the psychiatric machine. Bad JuJu!
And if it's a false flag op, well then gang, it looks like the shit is getting ready to hit the fan... which is something I've been saying for some time now.
I pray all of you are safe and prepared (you can't have one without the other), and I hope the good Lord keep you safe in these "interesting" times.
Now, there's a bottle of Bushmill's calling my name... how it knows me is anybody's guess, but my guess is that it knows exactly what it's doing... just like the fuckers who are trying to ruin the great American Republic...
If he was on the juice, then that fits right in with all the assholes that shot up their schools, which is a huge indictment on the psychiatric machine. Bad JuJu!
And if it's a false flag op, well then gang, it looks like the shit is getting ready to hit the fan... which is something I've been saying for some time now.
I pray all of you are safe and prepared (you can't have one without the other), and I hope the good Lord keep you safe in these "interesting" times.
Now, there's a bottle of Bushmill's calling my name... how it knows me is anybody's guess, but my guess is that it knows exactly what it's doing... just like the fuckers who are trying to ruin the great American Republic...
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Woohoo! Two apostles...
Well folks, it's been a while since I've been out here (now that I'm working, I'm no less pissed off, but finding the energy to rant is kinda tough...), but tonight there is reason to celebrate! Tonight the ranks of the Undead Lizard Army has swelled by 100%! Oops... sorry about the Gazuga reference, but...
It seems one other kindred soul has been reading the blog and has decided to join. Please welcome ParaPacem (which is Latin... figure it out and win a prize...) to our ranks. Okay, two followers and two or three other guys who read this is hardly "ranks," but even the longest journey starts with a single step. So...
I've actually read some of Para's stuff (you don't mind if I call you Para, do you?) before, as he reads and comments on a couple of the blogs that I do on a daily basis (Sipsey Street, baby!) and he seems to have his head screwed on right. Plus, the man looks kinda like Gazuga... if you forget the fact that he ain't 900 feet tall and doesn't have red fur and three eyes... but beggars can't be choosers, right gang (Note to self: 4 or 5 guys ain't a gang... must redo the math... or something)?
Anyway, welcome ParaPacem to Gazuga's Gazette! Please feel free to comment on any and every thing you read out here. I enjoy debate, since it fills those empty moments between breaths and beers. Besides, if there's at least two of us out here who think like I do (and that doesn't mean Frank doesn't, except he likes wrestlers...), that means we get double the bang for our buck... or euro... or junk silver.
Okay, now I'm back to the Prohibition Ale, which is pretty damn good. We have made progress tonight, uh... guys... now if there were just more of us...
It seems one other kindred soul has been reading the blog and has decided to join. Please welcome ParaPacem (which is Latin... figure it out and win a prize...) to our ranks. Okay, two followers and two or three other guys who read this is hardly "ranks," but even the longest journey starts with a single step. So...
I've actually read some of Para's stuff (you don't mind if I call you Para, do you?) before, as he reads and comments on a couple of the blogs that I do on a daily basis (Sipsey Street, baby!) and he seems to have his head screwed on right. Plus, the man looks kinda like Gazuga... if you forget the fact that he ain't 900 feet tall and doesn't have red fur and three eyes... but beggars can't be choosers, right gang (Note to self: 4 or 5 guys ain't a gang... must redo the math... or something)?
Anyway, welcome ParaPacem to Gazuga's Gazette! Please feel free to comment on any and every thing you read out here. I enjoy debate, since it fills those empty moments between breaths and beers. Besides, if there's at least two of us out here who think like I do (and that doesn't mean Frank doesn't, except he likes wrestlers...), that means we get double the bang for our buck... or euro... or junk silver.
Okay, now I'm back to the Prohibition Ale, which is pretty damn good. We have made progress tonight, uh... guys... now if there were just more of us...
Thursday, October 1, 2009
A Call To Arms... or at least, to fingers...
Okay, I'm a whore... All I've got is booze, a bad attitude, and a ton of lettuce, which I'll now throw against the wall in an inept attempt (now there's a band name!) to garner readership. Hell, I've even called in all my favors from guys who've known me for years to get them to get into this blog thing. And hopefully, you'll hear from them... at least once, any way, as they publicly deny all knowledge of me... but that's okay.
The longest voyage starts with a single footstep... that, and a reminder to go to the bathroom before we get in the car.
I've pissed, I am pissed and I'm in the damn car, dammit! Let's get this show rolling...
Cuz otherwise, it's just me and Frank... and he likes wrestlers...
The longest voyage starts with a single footstep... that, and a reminder to go to the bathroom before we get in the car.
I've pissed, I am pissed and I'm in the damn car, dammit! Let's get this show rolling...
Cuz otherwise, it's just me and Frank... and he likes wrestlers...
Frank (or someone like him...) writes back!
I'm very pleased to say that Frank Rizzo (not his real name... or maybe it is...) has written back in response to my last rant. This in itself is good news! It means that, a: someone cares enough to write; b: someone actually reads the shit I write; or c, Frank is truly bored and from Canukistan, where folks either respond to blogs or murder everyone stuck in the ice-fishing cabin with them at the time. Personally, I'm holding out for Choice C, but only because there's something about a blood-spattered keyboard in an ice-fishing cabin that appeals to me.
Why? I don't know... my personal keyboard is usually spattered with Bushmill's and snot... I'm not sure if the two are related. Frank also relates that he's fond of wrestling... and I won't hold that against him. When I was y0ung (and that was back when we had dinosaurs for pets), I really liked The Legion of Doom. Hey, any group of people that can say "Good for us, bad for you." and mean it, are alright with me. While I don't hold much with Frank's choice of cool wrestler, he's free to worship the overly steroided Cro-Magnon of his choice. Hopefully, it's just a fan thing... hopefully...
The good news is that Frank doesn't appear to be an ATF or FBI plant... which is good news during these trying times. I figure these Nazi fucks have better things to do than respond to this hard-rockin', hard-drinkin', hard hallucinatin' idiot's blog... although paranoia can be a beautiful thing... if you're armed to the teeth... and I am... but y'all knew that.
Y'all? There's just me and Frank, for Christ's sake! And I can't trust him... he's from Canuckistan! THERE'S ONLY TWO OF US! WE'RE TRULY FUCKED!!!
Okay, back to "normal..." Frank, thanks for reading and responding. You made my day. Now I'll make yours by telling you not to take any flu shot and to start storing lots of long shelf life foods in your house... that, and ammo... oh... wait... you're not allowed guns in Canuckistan...
Sorry, dude!
Why? I don't know... my personal keyboard is usually spattered with Bushmill's and snot... I'm not sure if the two are related. Frank also relates that he's fond of wrestling... and I won't hold that against him. When I was y0ung (and that was back when we had dinosaurs for pets), I really liked The Legion of Doom. Hey, any group of people that can say "Good for us, bad for you." and mean it, are alright with me. While I don't hold much with Frank's choice of cool wrestler, he's free to worship the overly steroided Cro-Magnon of his choice. Hopefully, it's just a fan thing... hopefully...
The good news is that Frank doesn't appear to be an ATF or FBI plant... which is good news during these trying times. I figure these Nazi fucks have better things to do than respond to this hard-rockin', hard-drinkin', hard hallucinatin' idiot's blog... although paranoia can be a beautiful thing... if you're armed to the teeth... and I am... but y'all knew that.
Y'all? There's just me and Frank, for Christ's sake! And I can't trust him... he's from Canuckistan! THERE'S ONLY TWO OF US! WE'RE TRULY FUCKED!!!
Okay, back to "normal..." Frank, thanks for reading and responding. You made my day. Now I'll make yours by telling you not to take any flu shot and to start storing lots of long shelf life foods in your house... that, and ammo... oh... wait... you're not allowed guns in Canuckistan...
Sorry, dude!
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Bullets, Beans, Bandaids... and Frank Rizzo?
Howdy folks!
Sorry to be away for so long, but a lot has been happening. I finally got a job after 18 months of unemployment, I'm working on a screenplay with an old friend from New York, the band is playing more important gigs (so, at age 58, I can expect that rock star status soon... right...), and now I'm embarking on my new vocation: alerting folks to the coming shit storm!
Yes, gang, it's true: we are living in interesting times. For those of you who've been permanently inundated in videogames (truly a waste of time... there, I said it...), that's an old Chinese curse. Things are bad, and they're only going to get worse. Here's a primer on what you should know by now, unless all you know is Triangle, Square, Circle, Circle, R1:
These are the bad guys; you know, kinda like all those zombies in Resident Evil: President Obongo, almost everyone in the House or Senate (Ron Paul is a good guy, though, as is Tancredo and a few others), the alphabet agencies (BATFE, CIA, FBI, etc, ad nauseum), the U.N. and all of its tentacles, the Illuminati (Rothschilds, Rockefellers, etc.) and anyone connected with the above.
These are the good guys: Mike VanDerBoegh, Dave Codrea, Alex Jones, James Welsey, Rawles (that's how he spells it, with that extra comma...), any Threeper, any Oathkeeper (if you don't know what these mean, well... I'm here to help), Ron Paul, Gerald Celente, and anyone else who loves freedom.
Now here are the sites you need to read on a daily basis to get caught up and stay informed of the coming shit storm. All of these sites advocate the same thing (bullets, beans, bandaids), with different emphases, and contain one fuck of a lot of useful, important knowledge. Read and learn!
These are just a few of the sites I read on a daily basis, and if you don't want to kick the breathing habit, you should do so as well. If you thought The Cleansing was bad, you ain't seen nothing yet! Oh yeah, just a quickie warning: don't take any flu vaccinations! Bad juju!!!
And now you're saying to yourself: Wow, Bill is really fuckin' crazy! Yes, you're right... but most of you knew that when you read Game Players or any of the other mags I worked at. Oh, I'm still fuckin' nuts, but this time, I just may be right. Trust me on this one... please...
Are any of you still wondering what Frank Rizzo means to all this? Well, here's the answer: he's my first subscriber to this blog. Now, I don't know if he's an FBI stooge, an earnest fan, or just some guy with nothing else to do, but thanks, Frank. In a way, you're responsible for this latest rant. I figured, what the hell? I got one fan, so I might as well write some more.
Thanks, Frank! By the way, if you are a BATFE or FBI agent, you get no more free Wacos! Get it? Write back real soon!
Beer:30! I'm outa here!
Sorry to be away for so long, but a lot has been happening. I finally got a job after 18 months of unemployment, I'm working on a screenplay with an old friend from New York, the band is playing more important gigs (so, at age 58, I can expect that rock star status soon... right...), and now I'm embarking on my new vocation: alerting folks to the coming shit storm!
Yes, gang, it's true: we are living in interesting times. For those of you who've been permanently inundated in videogames (truly a waste of time... there, I said it...), that's an old Chinese curse. Things are bad, and they're only going to get worse. Here's a primer on what you should know by now, unless all you know is Triangle, Square, Circle, Circle, R1:
These are the bad guys; you know, kinda like all those zombies in Resident Evil: President Obongo, almost everyone in the House or Senate (Ron Paul is a good guy, though, as is Tancredo and a few others), the alphabet agencies (BATFE, CIA, FBI, etc, ad nauseum), the U.N. and all of its tentacles, the Illuminati (Rothschilds, Rockefellers, etc.) and anyone connected with the above.
These are the good guys: Mike VanDerBoegh, Dave Codrea, Alex Jones, James Welsey, Rawles (that's how he spells it, with that extra comma...), any Threeper, any Oathkeeper (if you don't know what these mean, well... I'm here to help), Ron Paul, Gerald Celente, and anyone else who loves freedom.
Now here are the sites you need to read on a daily basis to get caught up and stay informed of the coming shit storm. All of these sites advocate the same thing (bullets, beans, bandaids), with different emphases, and contain one fuck of a lot of useful, important knowledge. Read and learn!
These are just a few of the sites I read on a daily basis, and if you don't want to kick the breathing habit, you should do so as well. If you thought The Cleansing was bad, you ain't seen nothing yet! Oh yeah, just a quickie warning: don't take any flu vaccinations! Bad juju!!!
And now you're saying to yourself: Wow, Bill is really fuckin' crazy! Yes, you're right... but most of you knew that when you read Game Players or any of the other mags I worked at. Oh, I'm still fuckin' nuts, but this time, I just may be right. Trust me on this one... please...
Are any of you still wondering what Frank Rizzo means to all this? Well, here's the answer: he's my first subscriber to this blog. Now, I don't know if he's an FBI stooge, an earnest fan, or just some guy with nothing else to do, but thanks, Frank. In a way, you're responsible for this latest rant. I figured, what the hell? I got one fan, so I might as well write some more.
Thanks, Frank! By the way, if you are a BATFE or FBI agent, you get no more free Wacos! Get it? Write back real soon!
Beer:30! I'm outa here!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Obongo is not just for the news any more!
This is for everyone who's just as tired of the MSM (Lame Stream Media) worshiping Obongo as I am. Get this... they're not just pushing the Kenyan Kommie in the news... they're also doing it in the commercials... you know, those little bits of shit that interrupt your viewing "pleasure" and push product pronto? Well, Obongo is out there as well... here's the biggest example.
Miller Brewing is currently running commercials featuring a big, fat black guy who evidently is a beer truck driver. His main gig is taking away beer from folks who've paid for it and re-distributing it to folks who haven't, all based on their social status.
Now maybe Obongo thinks this is a good thing (just look at how he's destroying the American free market system), but personally, I'm tired of people telling me what I can or cannot have based on how I live my life.
I hope you all will excuse me for what's following, but: fuck welfare, fuck Communism and fuck Obongo! I'd like to apologize for the crudeness of this post, but it's rehearsal night, and I've had a few...
I've also had enough of Obongo...
Miller Brewing is currently running commercials featuring a big, fat black guy who evidently is a beer truck driver. His main gig is taking away beer from folks who've paid for it and re-distributing it to folks who haven't, all based on their social status.
Now maybe Obongo thinks this is a good thing (just look at how he's destroying the American free market system), but personally, I'm tired of people telling me what I can or cannot have based on how I live my life.
I hope you all will excuse me for what's following, but: fuck welfare, fuck Communism and fuck Obongo! I'd like to apologize for the crudeness of this post, but it's rehearsal night, and I've had a few...
I've also had enough of Obongo...
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Back From The Bingofest
I'm just gonna come right out and say it: I have an addiction. To be perfectly honest, though, I have several addictions: freedom, big guns, really loud, fast music, alcohol... and poker. I love poker. It's my dream to have a seat at the World Series Of Poker and, to that end, I've been playing in Freeroll tournaments for the last month... 10 hours a day... and guess what, gang? I'm pissed off!
What pisses me off about these tournaments is a certain kind of player: The Bingo. For the unenlightened, The Bingo is a player who will go all in no matter what his cards are: King/Four is just fine for The Bingo, as long as he catches a break on the flop, turn or river.
Now here's the sore spot: what the hell are these idiots thinking? Let's say that, somehow, The Bingo wins a seat at the WSOP. So there he is, TV coverage, seat with the best, big pile of chips... and then the moron is gonna go all in with a Queen Three on the first hand? Evidently, stupidity has no shame.
These guys ruin a tournament for people who actually know how to play Poker. They skew the odds and discourage smart play. Okay, for those of you who'll say "It's entirely legal to do that!," I'm gonna say it's also totally legal to play touch football on the freeway at night, but you ain't doing the sport any good...
I promise to get into more serious subjects later, but I just had to vent on this one. Now, back to the Bingofest!
What pisses me off about these tournaments is a certain kind of player: The Bingo. For the unenlightened, The Bingo is a player who will go all in no matter what his cards are: King/Four is just fine for The Bingo, as long as he catches a break on the flop, turn or river.
Now here's the sore spot: what the hell are these idiots thinking? Let's say that, somehow, The Bingo wins a seat at the WSOP. So there he is, TV coverage, seat with the best, big pile of chips... and then the moron is gonna go all in with a Queen Three on the first hand? Evidently, stupidity has no shame.
These guys ruin a tournament for people who actually know how to play Poker. They skew the odds and discourage smart play. Okay, for those of you who'll say "It's entirely legal to do that!," I'm gonna say it's also totally legal to play touch football on the freeway at night, but you ain't doing the sport any good...
I promise to get into more serious subjects later, but I just had to vent on this one. Now, back to the Bingofest!
A Beginning At The End
My name is Bill Donohue and, if you let me, I'll chew your ear off with my opinions, which may be only slightly better than if I'd used my teeth. I'm new to this... well, that's not entirely true. I did write for my old job's blog for a while. I was working for a videogame magazine called PSM and I did a blog called Bill's Breakfast Blog. Yeah, I know... not too original, but the writing was, any way.
Since I'm now among the great unwashed (read unemployed), I figured what better time to start pissing people off than now, when that's exactly what most of the sheeple need?
I'll be ranting and raving (minus the Ecstacy) on a number of subjects every day. If you like what you read, that's great. If you don't and it pisses you off, that's even better!
So what do you say, kiddies? Out here, I'm God, so let's get started!
My name is Bill Donohue and, if you let me, I'll chew your ear off with my opinions, which may be only slightly better than if I'd used my teeth. I'm new to this... well, that's not entirely true. I did write for my old job's blog for a while. I was working for a videogame magazine called PSM and I did a blog called Bill's Breakfast Blog. Yeah, I know... not too original, but the writing was, any way.
Since I'm now among the great unwashed (read unemployed), I figured what better time to start pissing people off than now, when that's exactly what most of the sheeple need?
I'll be ranting and raving (minus the Ecstacy) on a number of subjects every day. If you like what you read, that's great. If you don't and it pisses you off, that's even better!
So what do you say, kiddies? Out here, I'm God, so let's get started!
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