Friday, November 6, 2009

False flag op or Psycho drugs gone wrong?

My condolences to everyone affected by the Fort Hood shootings. It does raise the question, though: was this a false flag op planned by Obongo, or was this just some sick fuck who's been on psychotropic drugs all his life? There are those who will say he did it because he's a Muslim, but that's wearing kinda thin nowadays. Yeah, some of those guys go ballistic the minute you refuse to believe that they have the one true god, but that doesn't ring true here.

If he was on the juice, then that fits right in with all the assholes that shot up their schools, which is a huge indictment on the psychiatric machine. Bad JuJu!

And if it's a false flag op, well then gang, it looks like the shit is getting ready to hit the fan... which is something I've been saying for some time now.

I pray all of you are safe and prepared (you can't have one without the other), and I hope the good Lord keep you safe in these "interesting" times.

Now, there's a bottle of Bushmill's calling my name... how it knows me is anybody's guess, but my guess is that it knows exactly what it's doing... just like the fuckers who are trying to ruin the great American Republic...
