Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Bullets, Beans, Bandaids... and Frank Rizzo?

Howdy folks!
Sorry to be away for so long, but a lot has been happening. I finally got a job after 18 months of unemployment, I'm working on a screenplay with an old friend from New York, the band is playing more important gigs (so, at age 58, I can expect that rock star status soon... right...), and now I'm embarking on my new vocation: alerting folks to the coming shit storm!

Yes, gang, it's true: we are living in interesting times. For those of you who've been permanently inundated in videogames (truly a waste of time... there, I said it...), that's an old Chinese curse. Things are bad, and they're only going to get worse. Here's a primer on what you should know by now, unless all you know is Triangle, Square, Circle, Circle, R1:

These are the bad guys; you know, kinda like all those zombies in Resident Evil: President Obongo, almost everyone in the House or Senate (Ron Paul is a good guy, though, as is Tancredo and a few others), the alphabet agencies (BATFE, CIA, FBI, etc, ad nauseum), the U.N. and all of its tentacles, the Illuminati (Rothschilds, Rockefellers, etc.) and anyone connected with the above.

These are the good guys: Mike VanDerBoegh, Dave Codrea, Alex Jones, James Welsey, Rawles (that's how he spells it, with that extra comma...), any Threeper, any Oathkeeper (if you don't know what these mean, well... I'm here to help), Ron Paul, Gerald Celente, and anyone else who loves freedom.

Now here are the sites you need to read on a daily basis to get caught up and stay informed of the coming shit storm. All of these sites advocate the same thing (bullets, beans, bandaids), with different emphases, and contain one fuck of a lot of useful, important knowledge. Read and learn!

These are just a few of the sites I read on a daily basis, and if you don't want to kick the breathing habit, you should do so as well. If you thought The Cleansing was bad, you ain't seen nothing yet! Oh yeah, just a quickie warning: don't take any flu vaccinations! Bad juju!!!

And now you're saying to yourself: Wow, Bill is really fuckin' crazy! Yes, you're right... but most of you knew that when you read Game Players or any of the other mags I worked at. Oh, I'm still fuckin' nuts, but this time, I just may be right. Trust me on this one... please...

Are any of you still wondering what Frank Rizzo means to all this? Well, here's the answer: he's my first subscriber to this blog. Now, I don't know if he's an FBI stooge, an earnest fan, or just some guy with nothing else to do, but thanks, Frank. In a way, you're responsible for this latest rant. I figured, what the hell? I got one fan, so I might as well write some more.

Thanks, Frank! By the way, if you are a BATFE or FBI agent, you get no more free Wacos! Get it? Write back real soon!

Beer:30! I'm outa here!