Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Woohoo! Two apostles...

Well folks, it's been a while since I've been out here (now that I'm working, I'm no less pissed off, but finding the energy to rant is kinda tough...), but tonight there is reason to celebrate! Tonight the ranks of the Undead Lizard Army has swelled by 100%! Oops... sorry about the Gazuga reference, but...

It seems one other kindred soul has been reading the blog and has decided to join. Please welcome ParaPacem (which is Latin... figure it out and win a prize...) to our ranks. Okay, two followers and two or three other guys who read this is hardly "ranks," but even the longest journey starts with a single step. So...

I've actually read some of Para's stuff (you don't mind if I call you Para, do you?) before, as he reads and comments on a couple of the blogs that I do on a daily basis (Sipsey Street, baby!) and he seems to have his head screwed on right. Plus, the man looks kinda like Gazuga... if you forget the fact that he ain't 900 feet tall and doesn't have red fur and three eyes... but beggars can't be choosers, right gang (Note to self: 4 or 5 guys ain't a gang... must redo the math... or something)?

Anyway, welcome ParaPacem to Gazuga's Gazette! Please feel free to comment on any and every thing you read out here. I enjoy debate, since it fills those empty moments between breaths and beers. Besides, if there's at least two of us out here who think like I do (and that doesn't mean Frank doesn't, except he likes wrestlers...), that means we get double the bang for our buck... or euro... or junk silver.

Okay, now I'm back to the Prohibition Ale, which is pretty damn good. We have made progress tonight, uh... guys... now if there were just more of us...


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