Thursday, October 1, 2009

A Call To Arms... or at least, to fingers...

Okay, I'm a whore... All I've got is booze, a bad attitude, and a ton of lettuce, which I'll now throw against the wall in an inept attempt (now there's a band name!) to garner readership. Hell, I've even called in all my favors from guys who've known me for years to get them to get into this blog thing. And hopefully, you'll hear from them... at least once, any way, as they publicly deny all knowledge of me... but that's okay.

The longest voyage starts with a single footstep... that, and a reminder to go to the bathroom before we get in the car.

I've pissed, I am pissed and I'm in the damn car, dammit! Let's get this show rolling...

Cuz otherwise, it's just me and Frank... and he likes wrestlers...

1 comment:

  1. Well, I check your blog pretty much every day -- I'm just not really into leaving comments, because I feel like I never have anything interesting to say. But I'm here!

    I'm always having the same problem trying to get people to visit my own site. The Game Players section still brings in a few hits, but that's about it.

    -- Blake
