Friday, December 18, 2009

One more for my mob!

That's right, brethren... tonight we welcome a new member to the fold. Say "Howdy" to Mike Suczinski, or as we call him around here, Mr. S. Admit it, it's easier to say, let alone spell...

Mike is one of our Poker regulars and one hell of a wood worker. He's the guy who built the beer trap featured on our "Trapped Like A Trap In A Trap" CD and for that major accomplishment, he earned the title of Yeoman. Okay, so it's a medieval title, but if you've ever seen Mike's shop, you'd know that medieval titles kinda fit him... very well. Mike is also the genius behind our monthly Gnome Shoots, some of which are available on YouTube. He is also responsible for the only two gnomes to survive more than an hour at my house: my Raider gnome (what a loser... sob...) and my Crazy Bill gnome, he of the upraised middle finger, manic glare and combat shotgun. Think of it as kind of a "Statue of Dorian Donohue," only without that cessation of aging thing, dammit!

Welcome to the asylum, Mike!



  1. Wow! Does this mean I'm finally getting through to the Chicom rat bastards?

  2. Mr. Donohue, I am not sure if you still check this blog, but I am trying to track down the Game Players crew for a documentary and would love to interview you. Feel free to email me -
