Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Woohoo! Two apostles...

Well folks, it's been a while since I've been out here (now that I'm working, I'm no less pissed off, but finding the energy to rant is kinda tough...), but tonight there is reason to celebrate! Tonight the ranks of the Undead Lizard Army has swelled by 100%! Oops... sorry about the Gazuga reference, but...

It seems one other kindred soul has been reading the blog and has decided to join. Please welcome ParaPacem (which is Latin... figure it out and win a prize...) to our ranks. Okay, two followers and two or three other guys who read this is hardly "ranks," but even the longest journey starts with a single step. So...

I've actually read some of Para's stuff (you don't mind if I call you Para, do you?) before, as he reads and comments on a couple of the blogs that I do on a daily basis (Sipsey Street, baby!) and he seems to have his head screwed on right. Plus, the man looks kinda like Gazuga... if you forget the fact that he ain't 900 feet tall and doesn't have red fur and three eyes... but beggars can't be choosers, right gang (Note to self: 4 or 5 guys ain't a gang... must redo the math... or something)?

Anyway, welcome ParaPacem to Gazuga's Gazette! Please feel free to comment on any and every thing you read out here. I enjoy debate, since it fills those empty moments between breaths and beers. Besides, if there's at least two of us out here who think like I do (and that doesn't mean Frank doesn't, except he likes wrestlers...), that means we get double the bang for our buck... or euro... or junk silver.

Okay, now I'm back to the Prohibition Ale, which is pretty damn good. We have made progress tonight, uh... guys... now if there were just more of us...


Thursday, October 1, 2009

A Call To Arms... or at least, to fingers...

Okay, I'm a whore... All I've got is booze, a bad attitude, and a ton of lettuce, which I'll now throw against the wall in an inept attempt (now there's a band name!) to garner readership. Hell, I've even called in all my favors from guys who've known me for years to get them to get into this blog thing. And hopefully, you'll hear from them... at least once, any way, as they publicly deny all knowledge of me... but that's okay.

The longest voyage starts with a single footstep... that, and a reminder to go to the bathroom before we get in the car.

I've pissed, I am pissed and I'm in the damn car, dammit! Let's get this show rolling...

Cuz otherwise, it's just me and Frank... and he likes wrestlers...

Frank (or someone like him...) writes back!

I'm very pleased to say that Frank Rizzo (not his real name... or maybe it is...) has written back in response to my last rant. This in itself is good news! It means that, a: someone cares enough to write; b: someone actually reads the shit I write; or c, Frank is truly bored and from Canukistan, where folks either respond to blogs or murder everyone stuck in the ice-fishing cabin with them at the time. Personally, I'm holding out for Choice C, but only because there's something about a blood-spattered keyboard in an ice-fishing cabin that appeals to me.

Why? I don't know... my personal keyboard is usually spattered with Bushmill's and snot... I'm not sure if the two are related. Frank also relates that he's fond of wrestling... and I won't hold that against him. When I was y0ung (and that was back when we had dinosaurs for pets), I really liked The Legion of Doom. Hey, any group of people that can say "Good for us, bad for you." and mean it, are alright with me. While I don't hold much with Frank's choice of cool wrestler, he's free to worship the overly steroided Cro-Magnon of his choice. Hopefully, it's just a fan thing... hopefully...

The good news is that Frank doesn't appear to be an ATF or FBI plant... which is good news during these trying times. I figure these Nazi fucks have better things to do than respond to this hard-rockin', hard-drinkin', hard hallucinatin' idiot's blog... although paranoia can be a beautiful thing... if you're armed to the teeth... and I am... but y'all knew that.

Y'all? There's just me and Frank, for Christ's sake! And I can't trust him... he's from Canuckistan! THERE'S ONLY TWO OF US! WE'RE TRULY FUCKED!!!

Okay, back to "normal..." Frank, thanks for reading and responding. You made my day. Now I'll make yours by telling you not to take any flu shot and to start storing lots of long shelf life foods in your house... that, and ammo... oh... wait... you're not allowed guns in Canuckistan...

Sorry, dude!
