Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Obongo is not just for the news any more!

This is for everyone who's just as tired of the MSM (Lame Stream Media) worshiping Obongo as I am. Get this... they're not just pushing the Kenyan Kommie in the news... they're also doing it in the commercials... you know, those little bits of shit that interrupt your viewing "pleasure" and push product pronto? Well, Obongo is out there as well... here's the biggest example.

Miller Brewing is currently running commercials featuring a big, fat black guy who evidently is a beer truck driver. His main gig is taking away beer from folks who've paid for it and re-distributing it to folks who haven't, all based on their social status.

Now maybe Obongo thinks this is a good thing (just look at how he's destroying the American free market system), but personally, I'm tired of people telling me what I can or cannot have based on how I live my life.

I hope you all will excuse me for what's following, but: fuck welfare, fuck Communism and fuck Obongo! I'd like to apologize for the crudeness of this post, but it's rehearsal night, and I've had a few...

I've also had enough of Obongo...

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Back From The Bingofest

I'm just gonna come right out and say it: I have an addiction. To be perfectly honest, though, I have several addictions: freedom, big guns, really loud, fast music, alcohol... and poker. I love poker. It's my dream to have a seat at the World Series Of Poker and, to that end, I've been playing in Freeroll tournaments for the last month... 10 hours a day... and guess what, gang? I'm pissed off!

What pisses me off about these tournaments is a certain kind of player: The Bingo. For the unenlightened, The Bingo is a player who will go all in no matter what his cards are: King/Four is just fine for The Bingo, as long as he catches a break on the flop, turn or river.

Now here's the sore spot: what the hell are these idiots thinking? Let's say that, somehow, The Bingo wins a seat at the WSOP. So there he is, TV coverage, seat with the best, big pile of chips... and then the moron is gonna go all in with a Queen Three on the first hand? Evidently, stupidity has no shame.

These guys ruin a tournament for people who actually know how to play Poker. They skew the odds and discourage smart play. Okay, for those of you who'll say "It's entirely legal to do that!," I'm gonna say it's also totally legal to play touch football on the freeway at night, but you ain't doing the sport any good...

I promise to get into more serious subjects later, but I just had to vent on this one. Now, back to the Bingofest!

A Beginning At The End

My name is Bill Donohue and, if you let me, I'll chew your ear off with my opinions, which may be only slightly better than if I'd used my teeth. I'm new to this... well, that's not entirely true. I did write for my old job's blog for a while. I was working for a videogame magazine called PSM and I did a blog called Bill's Breakfast Blog. Yeah, I know... not too original, but the writing was, any way.

Since I'm now among the great unwashed (read unemployed), I figured what better time to start pissing people off than now, when that's exactly what most of the sheeple need?

I'll be ranting and raving (minus the Ecstacy) on a number of subjects every day. If you like what you read, that's great. If you don't and it pisses you off, that's even better!

So what do you say, kiddies? Out here, I'm God, so let's get started!