Monday, June 7, 2010

Adios, Flagler... You will be greatly missed

My best friend, and the best damn drummer I ever played with, Ray Gilligan, passed away today at 1:47. He's in a better place now (probably jamming with Hendrix), but I'm really gonna miss him here. He was many things: The Flagler, Grey Meat (SB2), my Civilization Buddy... Life is gonna be a lot duller without him. I'm gonna get some whiskey and drink to his honor. I'm very proud to say he was a friend of mine.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

A Sad Day

Okay, I'm drinking heavily, so this might not make sense, but today I heard that my best buddy Ray is gonna check out. This is truly fucked! I'd always hoped that Ray's strength and humor would get him past his current ordeal with cancer, but it's not to be. Ray had taken to wearing a shirt the past few weeks that said "FUCK CANCER." I loudly echo that sentiment now.

Life ain't gonna be the same without my little buddy.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Read this and pass it on to any cop you might know!

Sorry that it's been a while since I've posted, but work has a strange way of draining the life out of one; plus Ray's health is deteriorating again, and that just plain sucks, but Mike Vanderboegh (one of the few heroes I have left) has posted an epic piece at his site, Please read it and, if you know someone in law enforcement, pass it on to them as well. They really need to understand the dynamics of today's perilous situation.

And while you're at it, pray for Ray. He really could use a miracle right about now...

Here's the site:

Now I need to drink heavily... okay, nothing new there...